Even with today’s technology, electronic mail is not always the best method of communicating. A good supplement to E-mail is direct mail. Results show that as a marketing vehicle, direct mail is the best choice to get your message to a specifically targeted audience in a timely and cost effective manner.
When you choose The Mail House for your direct mail needs you don’t have to worry about design, printing or mail and data services.
The Mail House, Inc. offers all of these services under one roof...

Online order placement, production status, postal reports, estimating & project history, file upload, shell & live variable proofing, and more . . .
You will find all of these services in our secure cloud system.
Equipment and Capabilities
The Mail House features Hi-Speed Digital Printers in black & color formats. We make short work of your most tedious and time-consuming projects. Among our specialties are 4-color variable postcards, wafer-sealed self-mailers as well as newsletters, window-envelope mailings, and match-mails.
We also feature on-site automatic inserting/nesting/sealing equipment, inkjet machines capable of addressing even glossy coatings with good quality black ink or spot colors as well as experienced data professionals on staff with decades of mailing experience to sort your data for USPS drop-shipments and the lowest postage possible.
The Mail House, Inc. is a Full-Service
IMB USPS agent with NCOA update capability.
Additionally, the Mail House provides warehousing, kit assembly, custom fulfillment, and online inventory services. Our team can coordinate FedEx, UPS, DHL, LTL trucking, and messenger shipments to save you time.
Call or email us today for a free consultation
on your next marketing project.